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  • You can make gRPC requests in Kulala just as you would make HTTP requests.



Ensure you have grpcurl installed to use this feature. You can find it here: gRPCurl.

Making a gRPC Request

To make a gRPC request, use the following format:

# @grpc-global-flags
# @grpc-flags
GRPC flags address command service.method

For example:

# @grpc-global-import-path ../protos 
# @grpc-global-proto helloworld.proto
GRPC localhost:50051 helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
Content-Type: application/json

{"name": "world"}


# @grpc-plaintext
GRPC localhost:50051 describe helloworld.Greeter


# @grpc-v
GRPC localhost:50051 list
# service.method is optional when using a command list|describe


# @grpc-protoset my-protos.bin
GRPC helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
# address is optional when using proto files


Flags can be set through metadata either locally per request or globally per buffer. Use the following formats:

  • Local flags: @grpc-.. apply for current request only.
  • Global flags: @grpc-global-.. apply for all requests in the buffer. Global settings will persist until the buffer is closed or globals are cleared with <leaderRx>.


Just as with HTTP requests, you can use variables in gRPC requests. For example:

@flags=-import-path ../protos -proto helloworld.proto -- [!] flags must be prefixed with `-`
GRPC {{flags}} {{address}} {{service}}/SayHello
Content-Type: application/json

< /path/to/file.json

Flags set in variables override flags set in metatadata, which in turn override global flags.