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Testing and Reporting

  • You can effectively use Kulala to produce, run and report tests for your APIs, using HTTP spec files and built-in assert functions.

Node.js must be installed on your system to run scripts.


Testing HTTP Requests with Assert Functions

To test HTTP requests in Kulala, you can use the provided assert functions to validate various aspects of the response. Below is a guide on how to use these functions effectively.

  1. Define Your Test Suite and Test Cases: Use client.test to define a test suite and individual test cases within it.

  2. Assert Functions:

  assert(value, message?) // Checks if the value is truthy.
assert.true(value, message?) // Checks if the value is true.
assert.false(value, message?) // Checks if the value is false.
assert.same(value, expected, message?) // Checks if the value is the same as the expected value.
assert.hasString(value, expected, message?) // Checks if the string contains the expected substring.
assert.responseHas(key, expected, message?) // Checks if the response has the expected key with the expected value.
assert.headersHas(key, expected, message?) // Checks if the response headers have the expected key with the expected value.
assert.bodyHas(expected, message?) // Checks if the response body contains the expected string.
assert.jsonHas(key, expected, message?)` // Checks if the JSON response has the expected key with the expected value.
  • All assert functions are aliases of client.assert function.
  • The message parameter is optional and can be used to provide a custom message for the assertion.
  • The key for assert.responseHas and assert.jsonHas can specify nested keys using dot notation (e.g.,
  1. Example:
@OCCUPATION = Developer
accept: application/json
content-type: application/json

"data": {
"name": "John Doe",
"occupation": "{{OCCUPATION}}",
"age": 30

> {%
let json =;

client.test("Test suite name 1", function() {
assert( == "John Doe")
assert( == "John Doe", "Check if name is correct")

assert.same(json.occupation, "Developer")
assert.same(json.occupation, "Developer", "Check occupation")

client.assert.true(json.age == 30, "Age is correct")
client.assert.false(json.age == 40, "Age is not 40")

client.log("Test Script Output 1")

client.test("Test suite name 2", function() {
assert.hasString(json.occupation, "Develop", "Check if occupation contains Develop")
assert.responseHas('responseCode', 200, "Check if response code is 200")
assert.headersHas('Content-Type', "application/json", "Check content type")
assert.jsonHas("", "Developer", "Check json payload")

Reporting Results

After executing requests, you can view reports in the Kulala Report (R) section.
When the cursor is on the line of request summary, you can press <CR> to jump to the corresponding response output.

Kulala Report

Reporting Options

Kulala provides comprehensive reporting options to help you analyze the results of your HTTP requests and test assertions.

halt_on_error = false,
show_request_summary = true,
disable_script_print_output = false,

ui = {
report = {
-- possible values: true | false | "on_error"
show_script_output = true,
-- possible values: true | false | "on_error" | "failed_only"
show_asserts_output = true,
-- possible values: true | false
show_summary = true,
  • halt_on_error - allows to halt/continue running a sequence of requests when a failure is encountered.
  • show_request_summary - shows/hides request summary at the top of the output window
  • disable_script_print_output - disables/enables notifications of the script output
  • - shows/hides the script output. on_error will show the output only when request status is failed.
  • - shows/hides the assert output. on_error will show the output only when request status is failed, failed_only will show only the failed asserts.
  • - shows/hides the summary of the test results.